Friday, November 29, 2019
Bystander Intervention free essay sample
From this, they predicted that as the number of bystanders increases, the less likely it is than any one of them will intervene, or if they do so, they will intervene more slowly. Their research findings support this hypothesis. Work is regarded as foundational in the field of bystander intervention. IV = situational factors (group size, participant gender) DV = response (likelihood of and speed of) Lab experiments allow controlled conditions; e. g. y ensuring that many features of real emergencies are controlled for or eliminated, so that only manipulation of the IV has an effect on the DV. Some things are difficult, if not impossible to control for though e. g. participant attitudes, societal values of the time, specific personal history of participants and so on. Unwritten assumption of experimentation is that explanations for social phenomena can be found by examining individual / group behaviour divorced from their normal social context. Critique of Darley and Latan © is by Cherry, writing from a broadly feminist and discursive perspective. We will write a custom essay sample on Bystander Intervention or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such writers/researchers were keen to point out that: (a) Psychology, even though the mainstream tried to position itself as such, was not apolitical nor value free. Its methods subtly reinforced and legitimised oppressive attitudes and practices (power-relations in society at large and of researchers). b) Womens experience was distorted by research and theory (power-relations of the experimental method). Bystander intervention in emergencies:- Darley and Latan © popular explanations for the event were dispositional moral decay, dehumanisation caused by the urban environment, alienation, existential despair. Suggested rational and irrational fears about own safety needed to be taken into account too (as per Milgram and Hollander) as to why people did not help. Suggested that the presence of other onlookers weakened the need for any particular individual o feel that they needed to help diffusion of responsibility and diffusion of blame. Also, if other bystanders cannot be seen, we may conclude that someone else is already helping. To test their hypothesis, that as the number of bystanders increases, the less likely it is than any one of them will intervene, or if they do so, they Method taped stooge / participant in isolated room, could only speak when stooge was not speaking, other participants also on tape. Stooge has fit and participant cannot speak to the other people via the radio set up. number of assumed group members (2, 3 or 6) DV= speed of response of real participant (marked as no response if 6 minutes elapses before participant leaves room) Participants 59 female, 13 male psychology students at NYU. Variations sometimes taped participants were either male or female. One taped participant said he was a medical student. Victim was always male. Results Participants found the situation plausible most were nervous when they reported the fit to the experimenter and were surprised to learn it was not real. The two exceptions were excluded from the analysis. Effect of group size highly significant (p
Monday, November 25, 2019
3. How does Japanese consumer behavior differ from Essays
3. How does Japanese consumer behavior differ from Essays 3. How does Japanese consumer behavior differ from western consumer behavior? Japanese consumers have different preferences for goods, different attitude about things they want from retailer than their American counterparts. Unlike Americans, Japanese consumers do not place a sole determinant of value on price. The physical presence and packaging of the product is just as important as the actual product itself. Also, Japanese consumers have a luxurious taste, but they want to save money, but are picky about quality, they steer clear of cheap goods and inferior products. Base on the case, shopping is spread throughout the week in Japan and is done on bicycle or by foot, rather than car. Walmart did not provide a print version of their deals prior to going shopping in their daily newspaper called chirashi, Housewives like to compare prices prior to going shopping, and without that option, housewives got confused and frustrated and went elsewhere. 4. Can private brands be internationalized? Another major arm of Walmart's Japan strategy is the aggressive introduction of private brands. Walmart is famous for exclusive store brands in the US that are inexpensive and perceived as a good value by US consumers. The recent economic downturn has provided further impetus to Japanese retailers to speed the introduction of private brands nearly 70% of Japanese retailers and 90% of Japanese super markets now stock private brands. Walmart has been remaking Seiyu in to their own image progressively and adopting radically different strategies than their competitors Remodeled stores to be American Walmarts and remains to be seen if Japanese consumers will be attracted to them. Finally, embraced the Chirashi (paper leaflets) and hoping that "Everyday low prices" remained in Seiyu announced that it would be honoring the Chirashi of its competitors too.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Labor Relations and Recruitment Know-How Coursework
Labor Relations and Recruitment Know-How - Coursework Example The design of the recruitment process must be attractive enough to encourage job seekers to apply, to be able to select the best-suited candidate for the job description (Meister, 2014). Before we dive deep into the selection and recruitment it is very much necessary for us to understand what selection is and what competencies are. The selection process is designed in such a way that it can help the interviewer to identify the right candidate and have the potential to benefit from the program and become the leaders of tomorrow. Today the selection process starts with the online application form, which helps in selecting the right candidate as per the qualification and experience. In the context of the essay, the selection is referred to as the selection interview, which is nothing but a process where a personnel selector observes a candidate through the behavior and attitude for the suitability of the post. It is the most necessary step in the recruitment process of any organization. The main skill that goes hand-in-hand with selection is to observe or assess the competencies of the candidate to judge the fitment of the position. Competencies are nothing but the ability to a job successfully yet efficiently. In today’s corporate world competency is the main skillset that the recruiter would look into a candidate during the selection process. Modern-day employers give great importance to the competencies of the candidates that they are interviewing for the position. They use the competency frameworks as an essential vehicle to assess the potential future effects of the candidate and also help the interviewer to review capability, performance, and potential of the employee. Two types of competencies that the interviewer would like to see in a potential candidate are behavioral and technical competencies.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Delivering Family Centred Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Delivering Family Centred Care - Essay Example The reason Iris was in a nursing home is not clear although her family say it was increasingly difficult to take care of her. Maybe they did not have the ability to do it. Nursing homes do not have the best reputation but they give care families may not. However, Iris was not very debilitated that is why she would take care of Sam. Additionally, her situation got worse while she had to be hospitalized and later joining the Roberts. Her health deterioration while at the home shows a bad reputation and maybe this calls for Care Quality Commission. The Care Quality Commission is a health inspecting body that works to make sure each person gets care that is safe, effective, high quality and compassionate (McLeroy et al 1988.p.360). For this to be, it inspects hospitals, GPs, care homes, dental and other general practices. Although this is a worthy cause, the commission additionally takes enforcement action, register services and collaborate with other organizations. For the case of Iris, who is now returning home, a decision has to be made. However, although this is important, both her family and the health experts should listen carefully to her ideas, if any and paraphrase them to be easily understandable to her (Iris). Let each of the other two parties (health care experts and Iris’ family) express their concern and engage constructively to get a common ground. Basically, this process is called optimal decision and might be reached for a patient at a fateful health crossroad (Burns et al 2004). Mostly, it involves the patient as well as a clinician, although family is invited. This is applicable in Iris’ case. Since it is the will of Iris to return home, both parties should share information: clinicians will offer options as well as describe their dangers and advantages, while Iris and her family express their values and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Success of Creation of Horror Movie Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Success of Creation of Horror Movie - Term Paper Example Extended Synopsis: Michael Neigh (Neigh), an anthropologist, buys a surprise auction box. In the box is what appears to be an ancient Celtic book with a detailed diagram of a back door to another dimension through Stonehenge when the alignment of the crescent moon, Jupiter, and Venus happens once every thousand years. Neigh has recruited his friend, Franklin, to go to Stonehenge with him. They are joined by Sheila, the curator for Stonehenge, who won’t let them go without her. Sheila is the first through the â€Å"door†, Franklin is second, and Neigh is third. Once in the next dimension, Franklin and Neigh find that time between the entry of three has been delayed, and Sheila, who was first through the door, has been slaughtered, her bloody remains hanging in a clearing not far from where Franklin and Neigh enter the dimension. Throughout the film, the creature that cannibalized Sheila is never seen. We are aware of the creature by his heavy, labored, snotty sounding breathing as he chases Neigh and Franklin through the forest. The creature has the personality of a cat playing with his â€Å"catch.† The film relies on the unseen horror of the creature – however it is manifested in the mind of the viewer based on the creature’s sound effects. The idea is not to make the sound effects as loud, as they are scary – what kind of sounds can the film team create for the creature to scare the daylights out of the audience. Franklin and Neigh have to employ survival techniques as they look for the way out of the violent dimension. They are rescued by Neigh’s girlfriend, who finds a missing page to the ancient book. Armed in a Nora Croft-like fashion, she has only hours left before the back door closes to rescue her boyfriend and Franklin. Summarise what your film is about: This film is about horror, unseen horror, building up the suspense of the horror in the mind of the viewer.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Strategies for Operations Strategy
Strategies for Operations Strategy DEFINITION OF STRATEGY: The pattern of most important objectives, goals and purposes and the fundamentals, plans, policies and philosophies for achieving those goals, that are declared in such a way as to define what business the firm is engaged in, and what kind of organization it is or would like to be. OPERATION MANAGEMENT: Operations management is an area of business concerned with the production of goods and services, and involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little resource as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of materials, labors and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and services). OPERATION STRATEGY: There are two types of operations strategy: They have a particular essence, a blend or fusion of building blocks that give each a unique composition customized to the embeddedness of the situation; and These various operations strategies have a number of tactical factors or contingency issues that influence the deployment of the strategy and also act as management levers to enhance its competitive ability. The operations strategy cannot be designed in a vacuum. It must be linked to the customers and other parts of the enterprise and the supply network.         (Alan Rushton and John Oxley 1989) The operations strategy has an important role in coordinating the operational goals to those of the organization. However, the objectives will change over time; hence the need for the operations strategy to anticipate future needs. In this way it acts as a portfolio that can adopt to the changing product and the service combination needs of the final customer. SUCCESS FOR OPERATION STRATEGY: The keys to competitive success for the operations strategy lie in: To know the requirement of markets Identifying the priority choices Understanding the consequences of each choice Appreciating the various trade-offs TECHNOLOGY: Technology is the survival of the fittest. Know a days every firm is trying to get new environment which is surrounded by vast eruptions of not only nuclear power but also technological power as well. Globalization has led Managers to become more fully equip and face their competitors fiercely with strong and analytical based marketing strategies. The number of world-class competitors is increasing at an alarmingly rate and to gain the upper edge a firm has to develop an internal system so strong that it can leave its competitors far behind in the race and earn the loyalty of not only its existing customers but also take over the new market successfully. In order to penetrate into the market successfully organizations are realizing that strong engineering, design, and manufacturing functions are necessary. So where it all did began that organizations began to realize the customer needs and fulfill them according to their demand. No longer was the customer dumb but the integral force behind an organizations position in the market, the organization soon learnt to cater to its needs and specifications, designing and engineering customer specific goods available within time and at cost effective prices. It was in the early 1980s that demand for new products escalated and manufacturing organizations soon realized that in order to meet the ever changing customer needs they need to become flexible and responsive in modifying existing products and processes. As manufacturing capabilities improved in the 1990s, managers realized that materials and service inputs from suppliers had a major impact on their organizations ability to meet customer needs. This led to an increase focus in the supply base and the organizations sourcing strategy. Managers also realized that producing a quality product was not enough. Getting the products to customers when, where, how, and in the quantity that they want, in a cost-effective manner, constituted an entirely new type of challenge. More recently the era of the â€Å"Logistics Renaissance†was also born, spawning a whole set of time-reducing information technologies and logistics networks aimed at meeting these challenges. As a result of these changes, organizations now find that it is no longer enough to manage their organizations. They must also be involved in the management of the network of all upstream firms that provide inputs (directly or indirectly), as well as the network of downstream firms responsible for delivery and after-market service of product to the end customer. From this realization emerged the concept of the â€Å"supply chain management†.         (Stephens 1992) Supply chain management is the back-bone of operations management without it the flow of products from producer to customer would in fact collapse. To better understand the operations management and how strategies are applied to it to get the competitive advantage over other firms let us take an example of FedEx Business Logistics Services and Laura Ashley EXAMPLE OF FEDEX BUSINESS LOGISTICS SERVICES  LAURA ASHLEY: The United Kingdom-based garment and home furnishing company Laura Ashley had severe financial problems in the early 1990s. The company had grown rapidly since Bernard and Laura Ashley started production in 1953 of hand-printed scarves, and by 1990 Laura Ashley employed more than 8000 people and owned or leased about 550 retail shops in 27 countries. The company also supplied a number of franchise shops in other countries. Total sales in 1990/1991 were about GBP 325 million, more than 40% of which came from North America.         (Stephens 1992) Poor logistics performance was recognized as a major cause of the above-mentioned financial difficulties. Laura Ashley had serious problems in servicing its customers worldwide. The company could not get products from distribution centres to stores quickly enough to avoid stocking out on major items. Laura Ashley had seven distribution centers around the world, but they were largely unconnected by management information systems. Overall stock availability was only about 80%, although inventory costs were high. The transport system was inefficient and spread over eight principle carriers. In 1992, Laura Ashley decided to hand over the global logistics functions to Federal Expresss newly formed business logistics division. The two companies signed a 10-year contract. All in-house logistics operations were transferred to Business Logistics. The 300 Laura Ashley employees from distribution centres and distribution all become employees of Business Logistics. Laura Ashleys distribution centre in Newton, Wales, was transferred to Business Logistics, and the remaining six centres were closed. The higher efficiency of a single-hub distribution system more than offset the extra transport costs. The new contract targets a 10% reduction of distribution costs in the first year. Beyond cost savings, the new system will be more reliable, with frequent store deliveries. The target is to be to supply shops anywhere in the world within 24 or 48 hours, depending on location. A further advantage is access from the individual stores to Business Logistics on-line information system, which provides data on which products are in stock, expected dates for receipt of out-of-stock items and the location of all items in-transit. The partnership with Business Logistics has enabled Laura Ashley to re-launch its catalog mail order business. CAPACITY Maximum output or producing ability operating at capacity Capacity of service firms is constrained by Time Labor Equipment Facilities Four ways to manage constrained capacity Amount of capacity needed The timing of changes Need to maintain balance throughout the system Flexibility of facility and workforce Capacityuse existing resources more efficiently Extend hours of operation Staff work more efficiently during peak times Reduce service levels or offer smaller range of options during peak times Improve customer service Vary capacity to meet demand adjust the firms resources to match demand What could be done during peak periods? i.   use part-time/casual employees ii.  share or rent extra facilities or equipment iii.  cross-train (multi-skill) employees iv.  outsource some functions i.e. reservations (Robert B. Hanfield Ernest L. Nichols) What could be done during off-peak periods? Schedule down-time Reduce staff numbers LOCATION: The marking out of the boundarier, oridentifying the place or site of, a piece of land, according to the description given in anentry, plan, map, etc. The location of facilities involves a commitment of resources to a long-term plan. Once the size, number, and location of these are determined, so are the possible paths by which product flows through to the final customer. These decisions are of great significance to a firm since they represent the basic strategy for accessing customer markets, and will have a considerable impact on revenue, cost, and level of service. Every firm/business looks for location that will help them to expand their markets. Location decision represents a key part strategic planning process of virtually every organization. Need for Location Decisions Marketing Strategy Basic Cost of a Business Expand of business Depletion of Resources Nature of Location Decisions Importance of strategic Entail a Long term commitment/costs Impact on investments, revenues, and Operations Supply chains Goals/objectives Profit potential No single location may be better than others Make right decision to choose perfect location More Options Expand existing facilities Addition of new facilities Shifting Objectives of Location Decisions Decide on the criteria Identify the important factors(location of markets or Raw materials) Develop location alternatives Evaluate the alternatives Make selection Trends in Locations Foreign producers locating in U.S. â€Å"Made in USA†Currency fluctuations Just-in-time manufacturing techniques Micro factories Information Technology EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS COMPANIES: Let us consider some examples of various companies which have taken location under account in order to grow Nike and Reebok, the two largest athletic footwear companies, look to contractors in Asia to manufacture their shoes. Sourcing from Asia offers advantages of low cost and flexibility, When FedEx opened its Asian Hub in Subic Bay, Philippines, in the 1990s it set the stage for its new â€Å"round-the-world†flights linking its Memphis and Paris package hubs to Asia. When Mercedes announced its plan to build its first major overseas plant in Vance, Alabama, it completed a year of competition among 170 sites amongst 30 states and two countries. When Hard Rock Cafà © opened in Moscow in late 2002, it ended three years of advanced preparation of a Russian food supply chain. PROCESS: Hammer and chamhys defines process as a collection of activities thats takes one or more kinds of input which generate an output that is of value to the customer.         (Hammer chamhys 1993) The various kinds of business process are: Supporting processes:- this include IT support, recruitment, Accounting. Operational processes:- operational processes are manufacturing, purchasing, sales, marketing. Core process:- Add direct value to the customer in term of products or services, Corporate Governance: one can define corporate governance as the culture of company which includes rules, policies, and customs. They also manitain relationship with management board of director, shareholder and stakeholder (Employees, bank, supplier, customer etc). Strategic Management: strategic mangement provides overall directions of an organisation. The aims and objectives, developing polices and plans to achieve these objectives. This Managemrial top level actitvity is usually performed by CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and the exclusive team. LAYOUT: In operations management strategy there are four types of Layouts: Facility Layout and Basic Formats Process-oriented Layout Layout Planning Service Layout Facility layout Facility layout can be defined as the process by which the placement of departments, workgroups within departments, workstations, machines, and stock-holding points within a facility are determined. Process-Oriented Layout Design places departments with large flows of material or people together Dept. areas have similar processes Used with process-focused processes Product-Oriented Layout Facility organized around product Design minimizes line imbalance Types: Fabrication line; assembly line Retail Service Layout Goalmaximize net profit per square foot of floor space. Services capes EXAMPLES: Examples of companies who have employed layout strategies In 1995, Toshiba was the market leader in portable computer sales worldwide. The company used layout strategy in its Ome factory in Japan. Total Quality Management(TQM) Definition â€Å"TQM is a complete re-organizing of the work process and the workplace by application of principles of â€Å"teamwork and work â€Å"teams†that are supposed to involve the worker and give them greater control in their work.†Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. TQM requirements may be defined separately for a particular organization or may be in adherence to established standards, such as the International Organization for Standardizations ISO 9000series. TQM can be applied to any type of organization; it originated in the manufacturing sector and has since been adapted for use in almost every type of organization imaginable, including schools, highway maintenance, hotel management, and churches. As a current focus ofe-business, TQM is based on quality management from the customers point of view. Business Process Outsourcing Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the act of giving a third-party the responsibility of running what would otherwise be an internal system or service. For instance, an insurance company might outsource their claims processing program or a bank might outsource their loan processing system. Other common examples of BPO are call centers and payroll outsourcing. Typically, companies that are looking at business process outsourcing are hoping to achieve cost savings by handing the work to a third-party that can take advantage of economies of scale by doing the same work for many companies. Or perhaps the cost savings can be achieved because labor costs are lower due to different costs of living in different countries. In exchange for the potential cost savings, the company in question must relinquish control over an aspect of their business which explains why business process outsourcing is often reserved for non-critical, non-core type of work. REFERENCES: Philip B. Schary and Tage Skjott-Larsen, Managing the global supply chain management, Munksgaard International Publishers Limited (pages 16, 24 and 38) Alan Rushton and John Oxley, Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management, 1st published in 1989 by Kogan Page Ltd (pgs 74-76) Ronald H. Ballou, 3rd edition Business Logistics Management, Prentice hall (pages 44, 56 and 171) Robert B. Hanfield Ernest L. Nichols, JR. Introduction to Supply Chain Management (pgs9-22, 45-56) William J.Stevenson 9th edition Operation Management(International student edition with global readings)(pgs361-367,227-229) BIBLIOGRAPHY: Philip B. Schary and Tage Skjott-Larsen, Managing the global supply chain management, Munksgaard International Publishers Limited (pages 16, 24 and 38) Alan Rushton and John Oxley, Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management, 1st published in 1989 by Kogan Page Ltd (pgs 74-76) Ronald H. Ballou, 3rd edition Business Logistics Management, Prentice hall (pages 44, 56 and 171) Robert B. Hanfield Ernest L. Nichols, JR. Introduction to Supply Chain Management (pgs9-22, 45-56) Heinrich, Claus E. Adapt or die: transforming your supply chain into an adaptive business network. Hoboken, N.J: J. Wiley Sons; 2003. Fredendall, Lawrence D. Basics of supply chain management. Boca Raton: St. Lucie Press; 2001 Hugos, Michael. Essentials of supply chain management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons; 2003 David Simchi Levi, Philip kaminsky, and Edith Simchi Levi. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies. Irwin McGrawHill, 2000. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindel. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Beowulfs Superiority :: Epic of Beowulf Essays
Beowulf, the great Geatish warrior, lives a very adventurous life filled with many voyages, battles, and victories. Through all of these events, he meets various people who are considered to be heroes like himself. These heroes, however, are unable to have the same abilities and characteristics of Beowulf. His great achievements cannot be matched by anything that they have done in their lives. Beowulf is a superior hero to Hrothgar, Unferth, and Wiglaf in the epic of Beowulf because he kills every monster that he fights, becomes a widely feared warrior and king, and dies in battle completing his final heroic act. Beowulf is superior to Hrothgar, Unferth, and Wiglaf because he kills every monster that he faces. When Herot was ravaged by Grendel and his mother, Hrothgar lacked both the strength and the courage to defend his people. Hrothgar was hindered by his old age and lacked the vitality of his youth that would have made him capable of slaying the monsters. However, when Beowulf grows old and becomes king, he is not affected by the factor of old age. Beowulf’s kingdom is attacked by a great dragon just like Hrothgars kingdom was attacked by Grendel. The difference is that Beowulf in his old age still had the strength and courage, unlike Hrothgar, to protect his kingdom. Unferth was considered to be the hero of Herot, but yet when monsters attacked the people that he was suppost to protect, he did nothing to stop it. Grendels reign of terror started many years before Beowulf came, so Unferth had plenty of time to at least make an attempt at stopping him. But because of Unferths lack o f action, Beowulf has to take on the task of slaying Grendel. By killing Grendel and his mother, Beowulf succeeds where Unferth has failed. Wiglaf and Beowulf both fought the dragon, but Beowulf is the one who actually killed it. Wiglaf was in full strength and was unhurt but all that he could do was stab the dragon. Beowulf, however, was badly wounded, but still managed to provide the fatal slice to kill the dragon. Hrothgar, Unferth, and Wiglaf all relied on Beowulf to kill the monsters that they could not kill themselves. This makes Beowulf superior to them because he obtained the strength, courage, and will that they all lacked. Beowulf is superior to Hrothgar, Unferth, and Wiglaf because he becomes a widely feared warrior and king.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Most Effective Kicks in Tae Kwon-Do
Some kicks are more useful than others, so I'll be walking you through the most powerful/effective kicks that are In Ate Swoon-Do. Let's go through the attributes of a kick, we'll start off with the base leg, the leg that stays on the ground during the kick. This leg Is just as Important (If anything more important) than you're kicking leg, due to the fact that this leg has to grant you the flexibility to initiate the kick and also has to maintain balance throughout the kick.Whenever you begin a kick, you should allow the heel of the foot of your base leg to e raised slightly upward (Thus resting on the ball of your foot) to maintain maximum mobility while the kick is in motion, allowing you to turn in the correct position for the kick. If you need to shift your position as your Initiating the kick. You can also slide/ skip on the ball of your foot toward the desired direction.The knee of your base leg should be slightly bent whenever you perform a kicking technique, this adds to the over-all balance of your body; you will be able to adjust your position easily, by adding more or less bend to your knee, to compensate for the height and velocity of our kick. Now onto the striking leg, first off you never really want to fully extend your leg when kicking. The knee of the striking leg should remain slightly bent. This is accomplished by maintaining muscle control over the lower part of your leg, and not allowing the momentum of the kick to force your leg to hyper extend.Because the knee joint is one of the most sensitive joints of the human body be sure to keep both knees slightly bent, to prevent them hypertension or bending backward unnaturally. Side Snap The basic side snap, is performed by initially shifting the majority of your body eight to your base leg as your striking leg (Be it your front or rear leg) rises up with a bent knee to waist level. As your striking leg rises, you pivot on the ball of your base foot so your heel is facing your target. Your body leans sideways toward the ground as your striking leg is extended toward your target.The impact is made with the heel or outside ridge of your foot. You can substantially Increase the range of the side snap by allowing the momentum of its launch to drive you forward. To do so, enter into a fighting stance and begin by launching the side snap with the front or rear leg. Round. By performing the side snap in this fashion, you allow your base leg to slide slightly forward across the floor, propelled by the momentum developed when your striking leg is launched toward its target. Not only does this add to the range of the kick, but also increases its power as well, due to the fact that the force of your entire body is behind it.One of the main problems with delivering the sliding side snap is that many people will release the kicks power before they are in range of their target. When performing the side snap in this style, it is imperative to remember not to unleash your striking legs p ower from your hip, until your target is close and you are sure of making contact with it. If this kick is done to far from your target, the most you can hope to accomplish is that your extended leg will make touching contact with your opponent. You will not, however, have any debilitating impact. Therefore, keep your side snap retracted until target impact is ensured.Turn-around Side Snap Structurally similar to the side snap, the turn-around side snap is a spinning variation of the basic side snap. This kick is executed by first turning your head round, keeping an eye on your target. You turn your head simultaneously pivoting your body on the ball of the foot of you lead base leg so that the heel of your base leg is facing your opponent. Your kicking technique is then launched from rear-leg position, in side kick fashion The turn-around side snap is a muscle-driven technique. Impact with this kick is made with the heel or the outside ridge of your foot.The ideal targets for the tu rn-around side snap are your opponent's knee, midsection or head The turn-around side snap can be used both offensively and offensively; it can be used as a single offensive movement or as a rapid combination of kicks alternating from one foot to the next. It can also be used defensively as a counter attack when your opponent is throwing a punch or a kick that leaves him open. All-Around Swing Kick The all-around swing kick is one of the most powerful techniques in a Ate Swoon- Do practitioner's kicking arsenal. The momentum this kick can have has a devastating effect upon any object it strikes.The all-around swing kick is executed by turning your head around behind you, to make sure your target hasn't moved, as you multitudinously pivot 1800 on the ball of your base foot. Your rear leg lifts off the ground and proceeds toward its target in a circular fashion. This kick strikes its target with the back of your heel. The all-around swing kick is most effective when delivered to the h ead or mid-section of your opponent. It is important to drive your kick to go â€Å"through†your target, in other words, you don't want to stop Just as you hit your target, you want the kick to follow through.Doing this well result in greater power and making it harder to defend against. Like most kicks, the all-around swing kick can be used defensively or offensively Front Snap The front snap, is one of the first kicks that all Ate Swoon-Do students learn. Most devastatingly effective offensive/defensive techniques in your kicking arsenal when performed correctly. The basic front snap is performed by entering into a traditional fighting stance. You then launch your striking leg forward by quickly raising the knee of your striking leg up to the desired height (It all depends on where you planning to attack, be it the head, mid-section or legs).The lower section of your tricking leg is then immediately snapped outward in the direction of your target. The front snaps power is developed by a combination of upper-leg muscle strength and lower-leg snapping momentum. The impact of the kick can be made with either the instep of your foot of the ball of your foot. To strike with the ball of your foot, you need to pull back your toes, exposing the ball of your foot. Performing the front snap with the ball of your foot is more advanced and takes additional practice.Through continued practice, however, the ability to instantly pull back your toes will become tie natural. The reason it is so important to pull back your toes (Even if you are wearing shoes), is that if you leave them in their naturally extended position, they can easily be broken when target impact is made. The basic front snap is an ideal close- contact fighting weapon. As us commonly understood, a front snap to the groin of any individual is universally debilitating. Other close-contact targets for this kick include; the solar plexus, the stomach, or the bottom of your opponent's Jaw.Axe Kick The axe kick, is a close-contact offensive and defensive weapon. The axe kick is performed by quickly raising your striking leg (Depending if your kicking with your front or rear leg), in a linear fashion, and then forcefully bringing your heel/ball of your foot, down onto the shoulder/chest/face of your opponent. The basic axe kick is only effective in close-contact infighting situations, but it is quite easy to extend the range of this kick. Enter into a fighting stance and prepare to launch an axe kick from your preferred leg front of rear (although it's mainly used with the rear leg).Now instead of performing it with your leg locked into position, visualize a target several feet in front of you. Quickly lift your striking leg. As you target. There are two ways to execute an axe kick; the traditional axe kick is brought inward, across your body, and then down-ward onto its target. The out-to-in axe kick is swung outward and is then brought down onto you opponents shoulder. The out-to -in axe kick is also a close- contact infighting weapon. It can most effectively be dispatched when your attacker has been taken hold of your clothing, or you have hold on his.Then, like before, the kick is quickly brought up and delivered to your opponents shoulder region Conclusion As we can see, kicks play a huge part in Ate Swoon-Do, we only went through 4 different kicks, there are many other (Such as hook kick, turning kick, swing kick, crescent kick, all-around hook kick, all-around swing kick†¦ Etc,). Kicks don't need to be complicated or hard to perform in order to be effective, like we went through at the start, for a kick to be effective in combat, it needs to be fast, difficult to block and able to get through you're opponents guard and hit its target.
Friday, November 8, 2019
European Union and Greece Crisis
European Union and Greece Crisis Rationale for creation of European Union The European Union was established in 1957 shortly after the Second World War. It was formed with an objective of bringing together the European countries since the European leaders did not want to suffer a war such as the World War II ever again.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on European Union and Greece Crisis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The past decade has been an extraordinary period of success in numerous ways. The European Union has accepted twelve new states; this happened as a result of the amendment of the structures of leaderships and procedures of voting provided by the Lisbon treaty which eased the decision making process between the member states. The original number of members who began the European Union was only six. Nowadays, the union has expanded to 27 members. The new Europe’s common currency was widely accepted and relatively stable in its initial decade. However, 2010 came in with numerous challenges. Financial contagion concerns and accumulated public debt in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal created a great debate over how better the fiscal policy of member states should be coordinated. Normally, proposals opposing national budgetary policy infringement against the government of French and favoring unified enforcement standards under the growth and stability pact flooded the government of British. Simultaneously, critics were afraid that the programs of fiscal austerity in Germany and Britain would bring about the policies of beggar-thy-neighbor. By this time, the European Union had plans to merge with other member countries to form an economic union. These particular steps lead to various economic concerns. financial crisis and unfathomable political concerns were behind these apprehensions. Some argued that this step of amalgamation would lead to the rejection of the European Union with basis of being un-democrat ic. The others stated that the European Union was enlarging far beyond its formal capacity to establish the economic union. The defense secretary, Michael Portillo, mentioned that he was not ready to see the defense policy being controlled by Brussels. In actual fact, the same reasons that initially led to the formation of the European Union were the same ones that spearheaded the formation of the economic union.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Current solution to Greece Financial Crisis The Greece crisis arose shortly after the European Union had resolved its constitution crisis. The problems appeared when the crisis in U.S. sub-prime mortgage triggered a cascade of financial disruptions. This occurrence rose the question of the endurance and strength of Europe. By the year 2010, everyone watched Greece, the 2009 deficit of Greece increased from 10% to almost 14% of GDP. The Greek sovereign debt was lowered by the standards and poor’s to a (BB+) junk bond status, the two year yields on Greek sovereign debt hit the mark of 10%, rendering the Greek to approach the IMF to receive a financial bailout. Currently, the leaders of the European Union have summoned a consensus to use both the international monetary fund and funds from Europe to assist unstable financial situation in Greece. The major crisis in Greece was brought up by numerous years of spending without restrain, failure to establish financial reforms and unrealistic contemptible lending. These mistakes exposed Greece in a bad way during the global economic downturn. Greece has a national debt of $ 413.6 billion which is far much bigger than the country’s state budget. Today, Greece is viewed by foreign investors as a financial black hole. These debts have led to the scrapping of pre-election promises and induced unrealistic and harsh spending cuts. Currently, Greece is in a major euro zone breach on deficit management rules; this is actually a bad show for the euro. The Greek government has embarked on cutting on spending and is already implementing austerity measures with an objective of slashing the deficit by 10 billion Euros which is equivalent to $13.7 billion. Slovakias role in the crisis The major setback for the advancement is Slovakia, this is the last country in the block to rectify the consensus and assist in making the deal to bailout Greece from the financial quagmire. Today, the greatest concern is whether the politicians in Slovakia will vote positively on the agreement to stabilize the European fund in helping Greece.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on European Union and Greece Crisis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Future of the EURO, threats and Mistakes made by EU The crisis in Greece has raised many questions concerning the future of the euro. According to case study, it is clear that the EU and the euro zone are having a real trouble. The existing economic structures of nowadays are definitely flawed and will not withstand the forces and pressure they are heading to anyway. For Greece, several things are to be put in place to improve the current situation. First, the banking systems need to be fixed: many banks in Europe are highly undercapitalized, fatally over-leveraged, and exposed to numerous debts. The most important and vital steps that the government should take to rescue the euro is to carry out careful stress test accompanied by capital injections. In simple terms, the European government must take a bold step of putting the risk back to its own place. It means that the European economy should be given back to the bondholders. The Greece crisis is a major blow to the European Union, but the euro will be in a position to withstand the tide if there are well-calculated strategies.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Phosphorus Facts - Element Characteristics Properties
Phosphorus Facts - Element Characteristics Properties Phosphorus is a reactive nonmetal with element symbol P and atomic number 15. It is one of the essential elements in the human body and is widely encountered in products such as fertilizers, pesticides, and detergents. Learn more about this important element. Phosphorus Basic Facts Atomic Number: 15 Symbol: P Atomic Weight: 30.973762 Discovery: Hennig Brand, 1669 (Germany) Electron Configuration: [Ne] 3s2 3p3 Word Origin: Greek: phosphoros: light-bearing, also, the ancient name given the planet Venus before sunrise. Properties: The melting point of phosphorus (white) is 44.1 °C, boiling point (white) is 280 °C, specific gravity (white) is 1.82, (red) 2.20, (black) 2.25-2.69, with a valence of 3 or 5. There are four allotropic forms of phosphorus: two forms of white (or yellow), red, and black (or violet). White phosphorus exhibits a and b modifications, with a transition temperature between the two forms at -3.8 °C. Ordinary phosphorus is a waxy white solid. It is colorless and transparent in its pure form. Phosphorus is insoluble in water, but soluble in carbon disulfide. Phosphorus burns spontaneously in air to its pentoxide. It is highly poisonous, with a lethal dose of ~50 mg. White phosphorus should be stored under water and handled with forceps. It causes severe burns when in contact with skin. White phosphorus is converted to red phosphorus when exposed to sunlight or heated in its own vapor to 250 °C. Unlike white phosphorus, red phosphorus does not glow or burn in air, although it still requires careful handling. Uses: Red phosphorus, which is relatively stable, is used to make safety matches, tracer bullets, incendiary devices, pesticides, pyrotechnic devices, and many other products. There is a high demand for phosphates for use as fertilizers. Phosphates are also used to make certain glasses (e.g., for sodium lamps). Trisodium phosphate is used as a cleaner, water softener, and scale/corrosion inhibitor. Bone ash (calcium phosphate) is used to make chinaware and to make monocalcium phosphate for baking powder. Phosphorus is used to make steels and phosphor bronze and is added to other alloys. There are many uses for organic phosphorus compounds. Biological Activity: Phosphorus is an essential element in plant and animal cytoplasm. In humans, it is essential for proper skeletal and nervous system formation and function. Phosphate deficiency is called hypophosphatemia. It is characterized by low soluble phosphate levels in serum. Symptoms include disruption of muscle and blood function due to insufficient ATP. An excess of phosphorus, in contrast, leads to organ and soft tissue calcification. One symptom is diarrhea. The estimated average requirement for dietary phosphorus for adults age 19 and older is 580 mg/day. Good dietary sources of phosphorus include meat, milk, and soy beans. Element Classification: Non-Metal Phosphorus Physical Data Isotopes: Phosphorus has 22 known isotopes. P-31 is the only stable isotope. Density (g/cc): 1.82 (white phosphorus) Melting Point (K): 317.3 Boiling Point (K): 553 Appearance: white phosphorus is a waxy, phosphorescent solid Atomic Radius (pm): 128 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 17.0 Covalent Radius (pm): 106 Ionic Radius: 35 (5e) 212 (-3e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.757 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 2.51 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 49.8 Pauling Negativity Number: 2.19 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 1011.2 Oxidation States: 5, 3, -3 Lattice Structure: Cubic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 7.170 CAS Registry Number: 7723-14-0 The glow of phosphorus in air is chemiluminescence and not phosphorescence. cloverphoto / Getty Images Phosphorus Trivia: Hennig Brand isolated phosphorus from urine. He kept his process a secret, choosing instead to sell the process to other alchemists. His process became more widely known when it was sold to the French Academy of Sciences.Brands technique was replaced by Carl Wilhelm Scheeles method of extracting phosphorus from bones.The oxidation of white phosphorus in air produces a green glow. Although the term phosphorescence refers to the elements glow, the true process is oxidation. The glow of phosphorus is a form of chemiluminescence.Phosphorus is the sixth most common element in the human body.Phosphorus is the seventh most common element in the Earths crust.Phosphorus is the eighteenth most common element in seawater.An early form of matches used white phosphorus in the match head. This practice gave rise to a painful and debilitating deformation of the jawbone known as phossy jaw to workers when over-exposed to white phosphorus. Sources Egon Wiberg; Nils Wiberg; Arnold Frederick Holleman (2001). Inorganic chemistry. Academic Press. pp. 683–684, 689. ISBN 978-0-12-352651-9.Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd Ed.), Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-3365-4.Hammond, C. R. (2000). The Elements. in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (81st ed.). CRC press. ISBN 0-8493-0481-4.Vanzee, Richard J.; Khan, Ahsan U. (1976). The phosphorescence of phosphorus. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 80 (20): 2240. doi:10.1021/j100561a021Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Reccommendation memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reccommendation memo - Essay Example As far as financing is concerned, Wal-Mart once again showed its supremacy by making financing of at least $8 million every year. The other competitors however hardly managed to obtain $4 million on yearly basis. In terms of earning profits, Wal-Mart has performed substantially well and increased its earnings from $12 million to around $16 million in five years time. None of the other companies managed to cross even $4 million in any of the five years. Operating outflows of Wal-Mart are also quite unmatchable due to the larger size such that it remained between $10 million and $16 million in five year times. Target, another industry competitor, achieved a level of $4 million thrice in five years. However, other competitors remained far behind and hardly managed to reach $2 million in any of the five years. Wal-Mart also remained successful in reflecting the best Return on equity as compared to its competitors such that its average ROE remained around 21.5%. However, the other four co mpetitors barely managed to earn ROE of around 17% on average basis. Lastly, except the yearly sales of Wal-Mart which remained around $400 million on average basis, the other four industry participants did not even reach to the sales level of around $100 million in any of the year. It is recommended that the performance of Wal-Mart has remained substantially well as compared to other four companies. The other four companies however have remained similar in their performance in the last five
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Key insights and practical lessons of Wal-Mart Essay
Key insights and practical lessons of Wal-Mart - Essay Example The company runs the largest grocery store in United States of America, and in 2009, over 51% of its sales revenues in United States of America came from its grocery stores (Roberts and Bergs, 2012). This revenue amounted to 258 billion United States dollars. The company has a presence in North America, operating a retail warehouse business. The company has an approximate number of 8500 stores in 15 different countries. In these 15 countries, the company has different brand names. For instance, in United States of America, the company operates under the brand name of Wal-Mart. In Mexico, the company operates under the brand name of Walmex, while in India; the company operates under the brand name of Best Price (Roberts and Bergs, 2012). The company also has retail stores in Japan, Argentina, South Africa, China and the United Kingdom. Despite its successes, the company does not have operations in East Africa, and in particular Kenya. Kenya has the most dominant economy in East Africa , and it has a fast growing retail market within the region (Agwuele, 2012). It also has an open economic system, which is conducive in attracting Foreign Direct Investments in the country. It has one of the best labor force in Africa, and good infrastructures such as an elaborate road network, and efficient supply of energy (Agwuele, 2012). On this basis, the country is a good destination for the entry of the business within the region. Despite its successes, the company does not have operations.
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